HARRISBURG, June 30, 2015 – Ignoring Berks County residents’ call for relief from skyrocketing property tax bills, the Republican state legislature today steamrolled its $30.2 billion budget, absent the support of state Sen. Judy Schwank.
Schwank said the General Assembly is making a mistake by ignoring the pleadings of Berks County home owners, students and teachers, and farmers who need help.
“Did anyone catch any mention of school property tax elimination or relief in this Republican budget plan? I didn’t hear it,” Schwank said during Senate debate this afternoon.
“This is the issue I hear about everywhere I go in my district. When I’m at the farmers market, at sporting events, at the mall and even in my office, I hear a steady stream of elderly taxpayers at the end of their rope. They are tapped out. They can’t afford that steadily rising tax anymore.
“Gov. Wolf, to his credit, made property tax relief an issue in his budget proposal. He suggested increasing and expanding the sales tax and personal income tax, as well as a severance tax on natural gas, to amplify the state’s share of education funding so that we pay our fair share and our local school districts can stop raising taxes.
“I am in support of totally eliminating – not just reducing – school property taxes. As a prime sponsor on Senate Bill 76, I, along with more than 80 taxpayer groups throughout the state, think elimination is the only way to go. But I know and taxpayers know that the money to fund education has to come from somewhere.
“I am less than enthused, as are my constituents, that there is no tax increase in this budget. They know and you know that that is a cruel joke.
“Who do we think we are fooling with a so called ‘No Tax Hike’ budget? The taxpayers of Pennsylvania get it and they know this budget isn’t what they had hoped for,” Schwank said.
In addition to property tax elimination, Schwank said lawmakers must come up with a significant pension reform plan that works, adoption of the more equitable school funding formula so students can get an excellent education no matter their zip code, and a more committed agriculture investment.