Últimas noticias
Reapertura de la oficina del distrito de Schwank el lunes 29 de junio
Reading, 26 de junio de 2020 - A partir del lunes 29 de junio, la oficina del distrito de la senadora estatal Judy Schwank en 210 George Street volverá a abrir al público. Siguiendo las políticas y precauciones del Senado COVID-19, Schwank y su personal estarán de nuevo disponibles para ayudar...
El proyecto de reforma laboral, camino de la mesa del Gobernador
Harrisburg, 25 de junio de 2020 - El Senado de Pensilvania aprobó un proyecto de ley presentado por el senador Judy Schwank (D-11 º distrito) y el senador John DiSanto (R-15 º distrito) que promulga una serie de reformas destinadas a eliminar varias barreras a la licencia para los...
Senador Schwank 3PM Ayuntamiento Virtual de Asistencia a la Pequeña Empresa
Senator Schwank 10AM Small Business Assistance Virtual Town Hall
Opening Remarks at Food Supply Chain Policy Hearing
Policy Hearing on COVID-19’s Impact on the Food Supply Chain
La audiencia del Senado estatal se centra en las repercusiones del COVID-19 en la cadena alimentaria
Harrisburg – June 18, 2020 – At the request of state Senators Judy Schwank (D- Berks) and Maria Collett (D- Bucks/Montgomery), the Senate Democratic Policy Committee held a virtual public hearing today on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Pennsylvania’s food...
PA Senate Democrats Announce $225 Million for Small Business Assistance Grants Statewide
HARRISBURG – June 8, 2020 – Members of the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Caucus announced the direction of $225 million in federal CARES Act funding to aid small businesses across the commonwealth. This funding was authorized by the recently enacted COVID-19...
Pandemic Funding for Childcare Centers Policy Hearing Opening Remarks
Audiencia política conjunta sobre la financiación de guarderías en caso de pandemia
Harrisburg – May 27, 2020 – At the request of state Senators Judy Schwank (D – Berks) and Lindsey Williams (D – Allegheny), the Senate and House Democratic Policy Committees today held a virtual public hearing to discuss critical funding for childcare centers, pre-K,...
El Comité de Finanzas del Senado aprueba la propuesta de Schwank de eximir a los ciudadanos de Pennsylvania de los pagos de la Ley CARES de los programas de asistencia estatal
Harrisburg, May 11, 2020 Legislation proposed by state Sen. Judy Schwank (D-11th district) that would ensure Pennsylvanians who receive federal stimulus payments don’t lose state related benefits because of an increase in income received unanimous support from...
Schwank anuncia que la Oficina del Defensor del Consumidor de Pensilvania intercederá en favor de los contribuyentes de PAWC
READING, May 7, 2020 – At the request of State Sen. Judy Schwank (D-11th district), the Pennsylvania Office of Consumer Advocate will intercede on behalf of ratepayers in a case involving the Pennsylvania American Water Company’s request to increase its overall water...
Schwank hablará sobre el coronavirus con profesionales de la medicina y el desempleo en un acto público telefónico
READING, May 1, 2020 – State Sen. Judy Schwank (D-11th district) will be hosting a live telephone town hall on issues associated with the coronavirus COVID-19 on Wednesday, May 6, at 6:05 p.m. Joining her are: Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry...
Senator Judy Schwank’s Response to StrongMomStrongBaby’s Digital Advocacy Day
Los demócratas del Senado y de la Cámara de Representantes debaten medidas legislativas para luchar contra el COVID-19 en Pensilvania
Harrisburg – April 23, 2020 – State Senators Judy Schwank (D – Berks) and Lindsey Williams (D – Allegheny) joined State Representatives Joanna McClinton (D- Philadelphia) and Sara Innamorato (D – Allegheny) for a telephone town hall hosted by the State Innovation...
Schwank, Caltagirone, Rozzi: Reading School District y Berks IU reciben fondos
READING, April 22, 2020 – Reading School District and the Berks County Intermediate Unit have been selected for Continuing of Education Equity Grants (CEEG) for the 2019-2020 academic year, State Sen. Judy Schwank (D-11th District),...
PENNVEST aprueba la mejora de la red de abastecimiento de agua de la avenida Perkiomen
READING, April 22, 2020 – A low-interest loan in the amount of $1.7 million approved today by the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) will help fund the Mount Penn Borough Municipal Authority’s recently completed Perkiomen Avenue Water Main...
Sen. Schwank’s Message to the Latinx Community
Schwank hablará del coronavirus con los profesionales médicos en una reunión telefónica
READING, April 9, 2020 – State Sen. Judy Schwank (D-11th district) will be hosting a live telephone town hall on issues associated with the coronavirus COVID-19 on Monday, April 13, at 6 p.m. Joining her are medical professionals including: Psychologist Dr....
Los demócratas del Senado de Pensilvania instan a que se adopten medidas legislativas en favor de las familias trabajadoras y se comprometen a oponerse al grupo de trabajo partidista COVID
Harrisburg, PA − April 8, 2020 − The Senate adjourned Tuesday afternoon after the House Republicans indicated they would not be taking up Senate Bill 841, legislation that would have enabled local municipalities to hold their meetings remotely, permitted e-notary use;...
Senators Schwank, Williams to Introduce Childcare Assistance Legislation
HARRISBURG, March 28, 2020 – State Senator Judy Schwank (D-11th District) and State Senator Lindsey M. Williams (D-38th District) will soon introduce legislation to support childcare centers, pre-K, and Head Start programs, as well as their hard-working employees...
Schwank Office Open for Calls, E-mail Only Effective Tuesday, March 17
Reading, March 16, 2020 − In order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, beginning Tuesday, March 17, State Sen. Judy Schwank’s district office at 210 George Street will be closed to the public and will instead serve constituents by e-mail, phone and fax. “This measure...
Schwank Announces Two Non-Profit Security Grants Awarded in Berks
Reading, March 11, 2020 − A Mohnton church and Wyomissing Synagogue each received a Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) Non-Profit Security Grant to improve the safety and security of their facility, State Sen. Judy Schwank (D-11) announced. The...
Senator Schwank Launches New Booklet on Women’s Suffrage
Lanzamiento del folleto sobre el sufragio femenino
Pennsylvania Report March 2020
Schwank Invites Constituents for Coffee at Clair’s Family Restaurant
Reading, March 3, 2020 − Sen. Judy Schwank is inviting constituents to meet her for coffee, pastries and conversation at Clair’s Family Restaurant on Tuesday, March 10, at 9 a.m. Instead of a typical Town Hall, Sen. Schwank has decided to hold an open forum for...
Schwank invita a sus electores a tomar un café en el mercado agrícola de Shillington
Reading, February 6, 2020 − Sen. Judy Schwank is inviting constituents to meet her for coffee, doughnuts and conversation at the Shillington Farmers Market on Thursday, February 13, at 9 a.m. Instead of a typical Town Hall, Sen. Schwank has decided to hold an open...
Se aceptan solicitudes para un nuevo programa de subvenciones para seguridad sin ánimo de lucro
Reading − January 15, 2020 − The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) today opened the application window for a new Non-Profit Security Grant program, which stemmed from language sponsored by State Sen. Judy Schwank (D-11) to address security needs...
Los legisladores anuncian la concesión de 50.000 dólares al Reading Muhlenberg CTC
READING, December 19, 2019 –The Pennsylvania Department of Education awarded $50,000 to Reading Muhlenberg CTC to purchase new equipment aligned to training students in high-demand occupations, State Sen. Judy Schwank (D-Berks), State Rep. Mark Rozzi...
Schwank organiza una sesión informativa gratuita sobre las estafas navideñas
Reading, December 10, 2019 State Sen. Judy Schwank is teaming with the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General to bring a free information session on holiday scams to The Heritage of Green Hills at 200 Tranquility Lane in Cumru Township at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday,...
Senator Schwank Hosts ACA Enrollment Event
Schwank y Rozzi Hosting gratuito ACA Evento 22 de noviembre, Pennsylvania Comisionado de Seguros a hablar
Reading, November 19, 2019 – State Sen. Judy Schwank and State Rep. Mark Rozzi are hosting a free Affordable Care Act (ACA) enrollment event from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Muhlenberg Township Building at 210 George Street on Friday, Nov. 22. Pennsylvania’s Insurance...