Últimas noticias
Schwank anuncia legislación sobre vacunación
Reading, 15 de mayo de 2019 La senadora estatal Judy Schwank (D-Berks) ofrece una conferencia de prensa en el campus de Reading Hospital - Tower Health para anunciar la legislación pendiente que aborda las vacunas escolares. El proyecto de ley requeriría completar un formulario estandarizado para...
Informe Pennsylvania con el Senador Schwank - Tema: Distrito 18
Los miembros del Grupo de trabajo sobre la exposición al plomo debaten las recomendaciones legislativas del Comité consultivo y el informe del Grupo de trabajo sobre la exposición al plomo
Harrisburg, 7 de mayo de 2019 - La senadora Judy Schwank (D-Berks) se une a los miembros legislativos del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Exposición al Plomo en una conferencia de prensa hoy para discutir las recomendaciones legislativas que formaron parte de 'Riesgos de Exposición al Plomo y Respuesta en...
Declaraciones de la senadora Schwank en la rueda de prensa de la Coalición de Pensilvania contra la Violación
El senador Schwank habla de las recomendaciones del Grupo Consultivo sobre el Plomo
Schwank anuncia subvenciones por valor de 2 millones de dólares para la seguridad de escuelas y comunidades locales
Harrisburg, Pa - 30 de abril de 2019 - La senadora Judy Schwank (D-Berks) anunció hoy la siguiente financiación estatal para la seguridad escolar y comunitaria en el 11º Distrito del Senado, que Schwank representa: Berks Career and Technical Center, $ 367,626; Brandywine Heights Area...
La senadora Judy Schwank visita la tienda de magia Mingus en Reading
La senadora Judy Schwank visita Reading Soda Works
Senator Judy Schwank Tours Oakbrook Brewery Company
Senator Judy Schwank Tours Queen City Family Restaurant
Senator Judy Schwank Tours Tom Masano Auto Group
Los demócratas del Senado de Pensilvania honran a las víctimas del Árbol de la Vida con una sesión conjunta y el Día "Más fuerte que el odio
Schwank organiza un acto en recuerdo de MLK el jueves 4 de abril
Reading, April 2, 2019 State Sen. Judy Schwank (D-Berks) is hosting an event to honor Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. The event is being held at St. John Missionary Baptist Church at 436 S. 7th Street in Reading at 1 p.m. on Thursday, April 4. The event is a...
Reading recibe fondos para la seguridad de ciclistas y peatones
Harrisburg, March 25, 2019 A Reading local recreation project was approved today for a $725,000 Multi-Modal Transportation Grant by the Commonwealth Financing Authority, according to Sen. Judy Schwank and Reps. Thomas Caltagirone and Mark Rozzi. The...
Sen. Schwank Department of Agriculture :: March 6, 2019
Sen. Schwank Department of Agriculture Recap :: March 6, 2019
Los demócratas del Senado impulsan una ley para ayudar a los agricultores, reforzar la agricultura local y desarrollar los mercados
Hughes, Schwank, Haywood offer multi-faceted approach Harrisburg – March 6, 2019 – Senate Democrats said today that they are sponsoring a three-bill legislative package designed to provide additional tax credits to farmers, encourage the use of locally sourced food...
Schwank Introduces Hemp Legislation
Harrisburg, March 5, 2019 − Sen. Judy Schwank (D-Berks) recently introduced legislation to expand hemp production in Pennsylvania. SB335, the Industrial Hemp Act, recognizes hemp as an allowable cosmetic ingredient, food, food additive or herb to be regulated as...
Bartolotta and Schwank Bill Would Improve Screening, Treatment of Postpartum Depression
HARRISBURG – February 28, 2019 – Bipartisan legislation would improve screening and treatment of new mothers affected by postpartum depression, according to the bill’s sponsors, Senators Camera Bartolotta (R-46) and Judy Schwank (D-11). The Prenatal and...
Senator Schwank Attends the Department of Human Services 2019-2020 Budget Hearing
Senator Schwank Attends the Department of Health Budget Hearing
Senator Schwank REAL ID Explainer Video
Sen. Schwank Budget Reaction Interview :: February 5, 2019
Schwank Announces Caernarvon Township Approved for State Grant
Harrisburg, February 1, 2019 − Caernarvon Township will receive $208,854 in Multimodal Transportation Fund grant funding approved today by PennDOT, Sen. Judy Schwank (D-Berks) announced. The funds will be used to decrease the turning radius from Route 10 onto...
Senator Judy Schwank Election Reform :: January 29, 2019
Spotted Lantern Fly Update at Farm Show
Sen. Schwank & Agriculture Secretary Redding Farm Show Interview
Sen. Schwank Rebecca Kugler Interview :: January 10, 2019
Sen. Schwank National Hemp Association Farm Show Interview :: January 10, 2019
Sen. Schwank Dairy Youth Interview :: January 10, 2019
Sen. Schwank Taralynn Timer Lambs Interview :: January 10, 2019
Schwank to Continue in Senate Leadership Role
Harrisburg, January 8, 2018 Sen. Judy Schwank was again appointed to Senate leadership by being renamed the Democratic vice-chair of the Senate Appropriations committee by Senate Democratic leader Jay Costa (D-Allegheny). The committee is the legislative panel...