Últimas noticias
Más Berks Co. Las tierras agrícolas se conservan hoy, dice Schwank
HARRISBURG, June 11, 2015 – Berks County’s farmland preservation movement expanded today when a state panel added another 280 acres to the commonwealth’s preservation program. Sen. Judy Schwank, who is a member of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Land Preservation Board,...
8 Berks County Organizations to Get $260k State Investment to Target Underage, Dangerous Drinking, Schwank, Caltagirone Announce
READING, June 11, 2015 – Berks County communities working to help teenagers and young adults better understand the consequences of drinking and alcohol abuse today received nearly $260,000 in grants from the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board. Sen. Judy Schwank, Rep....
Sen. Schwank Floor Remarks on Minimum Wage
Los senadores de Berks presentan una medida de seguridad en las zonas de trabajo
HARRISBURG, June 8, 2015 – Holly Doppel of Lenhartsville emailed Senators David G. Argall (R-Schuylkill/Berks) and Judy Schwank (D-Berks) after she read the lawmakers were interested in spearheading a bipartisan effort to strengthen safety in work zones. Doppel was...
New Books, Free Ice Cream Heading to Glenside Elementary, Sen. Schwank Says
READING, May 27, 2015 – Students at one of Reading elementary schools will receive new books and free ice cream sandwiches at 1:45 p.m., Friday, May 29, thanks to donations by the United Way and a local Dairy Queen, Sen. Judy Schwank said today. Schwank is a tutor in...
Gov’s Proposal to Improve Workforce Skills Now Before Committee as Schwank Bill
READING, May 14, 2015 – One of Pennsylvania’s champions for education has converted Gov. Tom Wolf’s idea for career and technical instruction into a proposal that is now before a Senate committee for consideration. Sen. Judy Schwank’s Senate Bill 114 would deliver as...
Senator Schwank Comments on Proposed Work Zone Safety Legislation
Schwank to Host Town Hall in Mohnton
READING, May 12, 2015 – Residents of Mohnton and south central Berks County can learn more about choosing their electricity generator and getting the latest from Harrisburg during Sen. Judy Schwank’s next town hall meeting. The 90-minute get-together will start at 7...
Detallada la legislación para proteger a los trabajadores de las zonas de construcción
Harrisburg – May 12, 2015 – After a recent series of accidents in construction zones, a bipartisan group of senators and state officials detailed legislation today that’s designed to protect workers in the zones. Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) was...
El grupo bipartidista Cámara de Representantes-Senado presenta la Agenda de Pa. Agenda para la salud de la mujer
HARRISBURG, May 11 – Members of the legislature's Women’s Health Caucus today unveiled their "Pennsylvania Agenda for Women's Health" for the new session at a Capitol news conference. The caucus is co-chaired by Reps. Dan Frankel, D-Allegheny, and Frank Farry,...
Senator Schwank Voices Her Support for Increasing the Minimum Wage
Pennsylvania Report May 2015 :: State Budget
El senador Schwank organiza la Exposición Juvenil "Todo sobre ti
Gather with friends and family members while getting important information that will help you now and in your future! Join us Thursday, May 7th from 5:30-7:30 PM at Reading High School’s Main Café. Come and learn about: How to obtain a driver’s license Recreational...
La audiencia del Senado estatal en Reading se centra en las dificultades de los ex delincuentes para encontrar trabajo
Reading – April 28, 2015 – At the request of state Sen. Judy Schwank (D-Berks), the Senate Democratic Policy Committee today held a roundtable discussion on employment challenges facing people with criminal records. “While acknowledging that reasonable restrictions...
El senador Schwank será el anfitrión de un debate en el Senado sobre los retos laborales de las personas con antecedentes penales
At the request of state Sen. Judy Schwank (D-Berks), the state Senate Democratic Policy Committee is coming to Reading to hold a roundtable discussion on employment challenges facing people with criminal records. The meeting will take place at 11 a.m. on Tuesday,...
Los senadores Schwank y Rafferty anuncian una inversión estatal de 5,3 millones de dólares para Geigertown
HARRISBURG, April 22, 2015 – Residents of a southeastern Berks County community will enjoy better drinking water following the completion of a sanitary sewer project that today was awarded a $5.3 million investment from the commonwealth. State Sens. Judy Schwank...
El senador Schwank y los representantes Caltagirone y Rozzi declaran que la inversión estatal de 84,6 millones de dólares ayudará a Reading a proteger mejor el medio ambiente y a crear empleo Caltagirone, Rozzi Declarar
HARRISBURG, April 22, 2015 – The City of Reading will get a much needed boost in its ongoing efforts to upgrade its wastewater treatment plant, meet the terms of a federal order, and protect the quality of the Schuylkill River with the approval today of an $84.6...
Con más de 9 millones de dólares concedidos en 2014-15, el senador Schwank dice que los estudiantes universitarios deben actuar para obtener la subvención PHEAA antes de la fecha límite del 1 de mayo
HARRISBURG, April 17, 2015 – With the May 1 deadline quickly approaching, state Sen. Judy Schwank today reminded Berks County students who are headed to college or are renewing their application to apply soon for a state grant. During the 2014-’15 academic year, the...
Sen. Schwank: Se añaden 5 nuevas granjas al Programa de Preservación de Tierras Agrícolas de Pensilvania
HARRISBURG, April 16, 2015 – Berks County’s reputation as a leader in farmland preservation grew by another 406 acres today when the Pennsylvania Agricultural Land Preservation Board added five farms to the historic program. The preservation board, of which Sen. Judy...
Los campus universitarios, más seguros gracias al proyecto de ley de Schwank
HARRISBURG, April 14, 2015 – A legislative proposal by Sen. Judy Schwank dealing with sexual assault on college campuses in Pennsylvania took a positive step forward today. Schwank’s “PA Safe Campuses Act” received unanimous approval from the Senate Judiciary...
Pennsylvania Report April 2015 :: 2015-16 State Budget
El senador Schwank prorroga hasta mayo el plazo para las subvenciones de ayuda energética
HARRISBURG, April 1, 2015 – Berks Countians who need help paying their heating bills or covering emergency repairs will have another month to apply for Pennsylvania’s federally funded LIHEAP program, Sen. Judy Schwank said today. The deadline to apply has been moved...
Schwank será el anfitrión de un ayuntamiento en Centerport
Public Utility Commission to talk electric choice READING, March 31, 2015 – Residents of Centerport and northern Berks County will have the opportunity at 7 p.m., Thursday, April 2, to learn more about electric choice and share their thoughts and concerns on other...
Community Leaders to Offer Expert Testimony During Schwank’s Model Senate Committee Hearings
HARRISBURG, March 26, 2015 – Sen. Judy Schwank will give students from her district a first-hand glimpse of life as a state lawmaker on Friday, March 27, at Albright College during the second session of her 2nd annual Berks County Model Senate. The session will...
Schwank recibe el premio del BCTC al "Compromiso con la educación técnica y profesional
OLEY, March 25, 2015 – A Berks County school devoted to career and technical education tonight recognized state Sen. Judy Schwank as the recipient of its “Friend of Career and Technical Education Award.” “You join a list of distinguished individuals from our community...
Los senadores Schwank y Hughes proponen ampliar la nueva ley sobre "porno vengativo
HARRISBURG, March 19, 2015 – To better protect Pennsylvanians from the unsolicited and embarrassing publication of their private, intimate pictures, state Sens. Judy Schwank (D-Berks) and Vincent Hughes (D-Philadelphia) said today they will introduce a proposal...
Schwank, miembro del Grupo para la Igualdad y la Justicia
HARRISBURG, March 13, 2015 – Underscoring her leadership and reputation as someone who fights for families, women and the less fortunate, Sen. Judy Schwank has been appointed to serve on a commission that’s charged with making sure fairness and equal justice are...
Schwank to Join Medical Cannabis, Industrial Hemp Town Hall
READING, March 10, 2015 – Sen. Judy Schwank will join Lt. Gov. Mike Stack, Sen. Mike Folmer and others at 6:30 p.m., tomorrow, Wednesday, during a town hall meeting dealing with proposals to allow medical cannabis and industrial hemp in Pennsylvania. Sen. Schwank is...
Schwank y el DMVA recuerdan a los veteranos del Escudo del Desierto y la Tormenta que tienen tiempo para solicitar una bonificación única
HARRISBURG, March 10, 2015 – In conjunction with the state Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, state Sen. Judy Schwank is reminding Pennsylvania veterans that the time is now to apply for special one-time payments in honor of their service during Persian Gulf...
Senator Schwank Reacts to PA State Budget
Schwank afirma que la propuesta presupuestaria del gobernador Wolf requiere trabajo y sinceridad
HARRISBURG, March 3, 2015 – State Sen. Judy Schwank issued the following statement today after listening to Gov. Tom Wolf present his first budget proposal to a joint session of the General Assembly: “Gov. Wolf has presented an assertive and wide ranging budget that...
Pension Reform Review Commission Press Conference
Con miles de millones en juego, Schwank presenta un proyecto de ley para abordar adecuadamente la crisis de las pensiones
READING, Feb. 26, 2015 – Frustrated by inadequate proposals to address Pennsylvania’s multi-billion dollar public and municipal pension problems, Sen. Judy Schwank today said she has formally introduced her bill to create an expert panel that would devise the best...