Últimas noticias
Sen. Schwank Remarks: Inversiones históricas del gobernador Shapiro en las escuelas públicas
DCED Secretary Tours State-Backed Projects, Discusses Economic Development Opportunities for Reading with Local Officials
Reading − August 10, 2023 − Today, Sen. Judy Schwank (D-Berks) welcomed Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development Sec. Rick Siger to Reading to meet with community leaders and tour projects supported by state grant funding. Siger’s visit...
Sen. Judy Schwank, Sen. Lindsey Williams Celebrate Extension of Universal School Breakfast Program for 2023-24 School Year
Harrisburg, Pa. − August 4, 2023 — Senator Lindsey M. Williams (D-Allegheny) and Senator Judy Schwank (D-Berks) announced today that all Pennsylvania students will once again have access to free school breakfast for the 2023-24 school year. This announcement follows...
Schwank presenta un paquete de protección para inquilinos
Reading – August 2, 2023 – Sen. Judy Schwank (D-Berks) has introduced a package of renter’s protection bills in the Pennsylvania Senate. SB 859 would establish criteria for the voluntary acceptance of reusable tenant screening reports. Landlords use tenant...
Palabras del Sen Schwank en la ceremonia de inauguración del Weitz Hall del Reading Area Community College
Senators Cappelletti and Schwank to Introduce Abortion Protections Package in Pennsylvania
Harrisburg, PA – July 18, 2023 – Today, Senator Amanda M. Cappelletti (D-Mongomery/Delaware) and Senator Judith Schwank (D-Berks) circulated a co-sponsorship memo detailing their intent to introduce a legislative package called the Abortion Protections Package....
El senador Schwank organiza un ayuntamiento comunitario
Schwank apoya la ampliación de las bonificaciones del impuesto sobre bienes inmuebles y el alquiler
Schwank Applauds Shapiro Administration for Securing Small Business Administration Assistance for Businesses Impacted by R.M. Palmer Explosion
Reading − June 29, 2023 − State Sen. Judy Schwank applauded Gov. Josh Shapiro’s announcement this afternoon that the U.S. Small Business Administration has agreed to his request to provide up to $2 million in loan assistance through the Economic Injury Disaster...
Lexi Rhoads Invitada Presentación
La Cámara aprueba el proyecto de ley de morbilidad materna grave de Schwank y lo envía al Gobernador para que se convierta en ley
Harrisburg − June 22, 2023 − The Pennsylvania House of Representatives has unanimously passed SB 262, which will require the Department of Health to annually publish severe maternal morbidity data using hospitalization discharge data. The CDC defines severe...
Schwank presenta a los becarios de verano 2023
Schwank’s Severe Maternal Morbidity Bill Passes Senate
Harrisburg — June 6, 2023 — Today, SB 262, sponsored by Senator Judy Schwank (D-11th), passed the Pennsylvania Senate by a vote of 50-0. Schwank’s bill is part of a legislative package on maternal mortality. SB 262 adds “severe maternal morbidity” to the...
Schwank interviene en un acto del Grupo de Educación Infantil
Sen Schwank - Jayleah Pletz Comentarios
Schwank Visits Mt. Penn Fire Company to Tour Day Room Renovations
Reading — June 2, 2023 — Yesterday afternoon, Sen. Judy Schwank (D-11th) visited the Mt. Penn Fire Company to check on the ongoing renovations to the heavily used day room. On March 16, 2023, the Mount Penn Fire Company was awarded $60,000 in Local Shares...
Los demócratas del Senado debaten en el Capitolio sobre la concienciación y la financiación de la violencia doméstica
HARRISBURG, May 26, 2023 – State Senator Katie Muth (D-Chester/Montgomery/Berks), chair of the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Policy Committee, and Senator Judy Schwank (D-Berks) co-hosted a public hearing earlier this week in Harrisburg to discuss the effectiveness...
Frankel y Schwank elogian la creación por Biden de un plan nacional de lucha contra el antisemitismo
HARRISBURG, May 25 – Pennsylvania Jewish Legislative Caucus Co-chairs Rep. Dan Frankel and Sen. Judy Schwank praised the White House announcement Thursday that the Biden-Harris Administration has established the first-ever U.S. national strategy to fight antisemitism....
Vogel, Schwank Urge the PA Milk Marketing Board to Extend the Over-Order Premium Ahead of Its June 7 Meeting
HARRISBURG – May 24, 2023 – Sens. Elder Vogel, Jr. (R-47) and Judy Schwank (D-11) provided the following statements urging the Pennsylvania Milk Marketing Board (MMB) to extend the Over-Order Premium during their June 7 public meeting. “Last month, we opened the doors...
La Comisión de Agricultura y Asuntos Rurales del Senado recomienda favorablemente a Russell Redding como Secretario del Departamento de Agricultura de Pensilvania
HARRISBURG – May 9, 2023 − Today, Sens. Elder Vogel, Jr. (R-47), majority chair; and Judy Schwank (D-11), minority chair; and members of the Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee gave a unanimous, favorable recommendation for Russell Redding to serve as the...
Sen Schwank da la bienvenida a Exeter Boys Basketball
El senador Schwank da la bienvenida a los alumnos de las escuelas diurnas judías
Schwank aboga por aumentar los salarios de los cuidadores de niños
Schwank, Frankel Encourage Colleagues to Wear Blue Ribbons May 3 to Support Family, Survivors of Pittsburgh Synagogue Attack
Action comes as federal trial against shooter gets underway
HARRISBURG, May 2, 2023 – With trial of the perpetrator in the 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue attack underway, state Rep. Dan Frankel and state Sen. Judith Schwank are encouraging their colleagues in the General Assembly to wear blue ribbons on Wednesday to show their support for family members and survivors of the attack.
Los legisladores y los defensores de celebrar Rally de DACA certificaciones de maestros, la matrícula en el estado para los estudiantes indocumentados
Harrisburg — April 26, 2023 — Today, state lawmakers and advocacy groups rallied to support SB 393, SB 394, and both House companion bills at the Capitol Plaza Fountain. The bills would allow Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients to be certified as...
Los legisladores y los defensores de celebrar Rally de DACA certificaciones de maestros, la matrícula en el estado para los estudiantes indocumentados
Schwank, Vogel y los representantes de Agricultura debaten el futuro de la prima por exceso de pedidos de AP
HARRISBURG – April 26, 2023 – The Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, led by Chairman Sen. Elder Vogel, Jr. (R-47) and Minority Chairwoman Sen. Judy Schwank (D-11), held a public hearing today to open an in-depth discussion about the state’s Over Order...
Senator Nikil Saval Joins Berks Community in Call for Permanent Funding for Whole-Home Repairs
READING, PA (April 18)—Yesterday, State Senator Nikil Saval (D–Philadelphia) joined Berks Stands Up, Make the Road Pennsylvania, Sunrise Movement, and Berks County elected officials, community leaders, and residents in a united call for permanent funding for...
Sen. Schwank Remarks: Rally de reparaciones integrales: Condado de Berks
El senador Schwank se une a Berks Stands Up y a los defensores que piden financiación permanente para las reparaciones integrales de viviendas
El senador Schwank habla del Mes de sensibilización sobre el maltrato infantil
Frankel, Schwank Announce Jewish Legislative Caucus
HARRISBURG, March 21 – State. Rep. Dan Frankel, D-Allegheny, and Sen. Judy Schwank, D-Berks, announced Tuesday the formation of Pennsylvania’s first ever Jewish Legislative Caucus. “Representing the community that suffered the deadliest antisemitic attack in American...
State Lawmakers Secure Funding for Schuylkill River Passenger Rail Feasibility Study
Reading — March 17, 2023 — Today, a group of Democratic state lawmakers announced $250,000 in Local Share Account grant funding to study the restoration of passenger rail between Reading and Philadelphia. In April of 2022, County Commissioners representing...