Reading, September 20, 2018 − Due to the privatization of a York County home, the Berks Heim is estimated to receive an additional $596,000 during the 2018-2019 fiscal year, State Sen. Judy Schwank (D-Berks) announced.
“The Berks Heim has a remarkable reputation in our county, and countless Berks Countians have had a loved one, friend or neighbor stay at the Heim,” Schwank said. “The facility’s dedication to providing its residents top-notch care is one of the reasons why I am so pleased to learn about this extra funding.”
Originally, the Berks Heim was expected to receive $2.556 million through Internal Government Transfers (IGT) for the 2018-2019 fiscal year. But due to Medicare rates increasing and the privatization of the York County home, the Berks Heim will receive the additional $596,000, which will mean $3.152 million in funding.
In 2016, the Heim received approximately $1.28 million in IGT funds and in 2017, it received approximately $1.45 million.
Part of the increase is one time in nature because York County is contributing to the upper payment limit for the days they were a county home for the 2018-2019 fiscal year. The remaining homes get to reap the benefit of that room since York is not eligible for a payment.