HARRISBURG, July 1, 2016 – Historic Skyline Drive will soon be receiving much needed upgrades thanks to a $969,298 Multimodal Transportation Fund grant approved today by the Commonwealth Financing Authority to reconstruct a 2.4 mile stretch of Skyline Drive in Alsace and Lower Alsace Townships and the City of Reading, according to Sen. Judy Schwank and Reps. Thomas Caltagirone and Mark Rozzi. All three state legislators worked together to strongly advocate for the grants approval.
According to the state legislators, Lower Alsace Township will receive the grant and will work with Alsace Township and the City to complete the project. As part of the reconstruction of Skyline Drive, road markings will be added to create shared pedestrian/bicyclist lanes and crosswalks added at key locations to improve safety. Stormwater facility upgrades will be installed to improve water runoff and limit potential water damage to the roadway in the future.
“This project represents an important investment in improving one of Berks County’s most iconic roadways,” said Senator Schwank. “This effort is especially significant because it involves cooperation among three municipalities, incorporates multiple modes of transportation, and improves safety for motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians alike.”
“Skyline Drive provides access to some of the most beautiful vistas in all of Pennsylvania, as well to our City’s most recognizable and historic landmark, the Pagoda,” added Rep. Caltagirone. “These improvements will help ensure that both residents and visitors continue to have access to these beautiful natural and historical resources.”
“In recent years, Greater Reading has earned an international reputation for being a destination of choice for cyclists, hikers, and outdoor enthusiasts, who are drawn to both the beauty and challenges Mount Penn offers,” noted Rep. Rozzi. “This project will build on that reputation, enhancing not only access to the recreational opportunities the mountain offers, but also creating economic benefits by drawing more visitors to our area and attracting more premiere events like the Reading 120 and the Duryea Hill Climb.”
Contact: Stacey Witalec
Sen. Judy Schwank
Phone: (717) 787-7683
Contact: Chris Winters
Rep. Thomas Caltagirone
Phone: (717) 787-3525
Contact: Chad Schlanger
Rep. Mark Rozzi
Phone: (717) 783-3290