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$1M in Ag Easements Approved to Protect 5 More Berks County Farms, Schwank Says
HARRISBURG, Feb. 18, 2016 – Five more Berks County farms totaling 393 acres will be protected from future development following the approval of their applications today by Pennsylvania’s farmland preservation program, state Sen. Judy Schwank said. “We closed...
Schwank’s ‘Model Senate’ to Give 48 Berks Co. Students State Government ‘Experience’
READING, Feb. 17, 2016 – Four dozen high school students from 13 Berks County schools will get a close-up look at being a legislator tomorrow, Thursday, Feb. 18, during Sen. Judy Schwank’s third annual “Berks County Model Senate.” The event, which will be the first of...
Higher Education Funding Rally :: February 8, 2016
Senator Schwank and Representative Rozzi Annonunce State Grant to Help Lower Alsace and Mount Penn Borough Enhance Joint Code Enforcement Program
February 1, 2016: Senator Judy Schwank (D-11) and Representative Mark Rozzi (D-126) today announced that Lower Alsace Township has been awarded a $41,300 Municipal Services Program Shared Services Grant through the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic...
Sen. Schwank, Rep. Rozzi: $490K in New Community Conservation Grants Awarded to Berks County
HARRISBURG, Jan. 28, 2016 – Work to improve trails and parks in Berks County received new state investments of about $490,000 today, state Sen. Judy Schwank and Rep. Mark Rozzi announced. The investments, from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, are...
Sen. Schwank Issues Statement on Senate’s AG Kane Vote
HARRISBURG, Jan. 27, 2016 – State Sen. Judy Schwank, a member of the Senate Select Committee on Address, issued the following statement today after voting against the report the committee submitted to the full Senate by a 5-2 vote.
Senator Schwank Interview with the PA Hemp Industry Council at the Farm Show :: January 21, 2016
Sen. Schwank Interviews Kelly Beaver Ruth Hartman’s Granddaughter :: January 21, 2016
Secretary Redding Interview at the PA Farm Show :: January 21, 2016
Senator Schwank Attends the 2016 PA Farm Show :: January 21, 2016
Pennsylvania Report January 2016 :: 2016 Farm Show
700th Berks County Farm Added to State’s Preservation List, Schwank Says
HARRISBURG, Dec. 10, 2015 – Pennsylvania’s farmland preservation program approved the entry of three Berks County farms today, bringing the number of local tracts protected from future development to 700, state Sen. Judy Schwank said today. “Berks County loves its...
Senator Schwank Remarks on the Report from The Center for Rural PA on the Heroin Crisis :: December 7, 2015
Schwank: Financing Tool for Agriculture Industry Approved by State House
Harrisburg - Dec. 3, 2015 - Legislation that would preserve a tool that the agriculture industry uses to finance projects is now on its way to the governor for his signature into law, according to state Sen. Judy Schwank (D-Berks), the bill's author. "The legislation...
Schwank Disappointed in Property Tax Reform Set Back
HARRISBURG, Nov. 24, 2015 – Because of the hard work and groundswell of support from Berks County residents and Pennsylvanians, state Sen. Judy Schwank said today she is disappointed with the Senate’s defeat of a bill that would have eliminated the regressive property...
Schwank Appointed to Special Panel to Look at AG Kane
HARRISBURG, Oct. 27, 2015 – Berks County Democratic Sen. Judy Schwank has been appointed to a special bipartisan senate panel to look into whether Attorney General Kathleen Kane may serve with a suspended law license. Fellow Democrats Art Haywood (Philadelphia) and...
Schwank’s Industrial Hemp Bill Wins Unanimous Committee Approval
HARRISBURG, Oct. 27, 2015 – Without opposition, state Sen. Judy Schwank’s proposal to once again make industrial hemp a legal cash crop in Pennsylvania moved out of committee and to the Senate floor today. The Senate Agriculture & Rural Affairs Committee, of which...
Senator Schwank Supports Community College Completion Challenge Week
Senator Schwank October Upcoming Events :: October 14, 2015
More Farmland Preserved in Berks County, Schwank says
Harrisburg, Oct. 8, 2015 - Additional acres of Berks County farmland will be preserved following today's approval of the purchase of conservation easements by the state Agricultural Land Preservation Board, according to state Sen. Judy Schwank (D-Berks). Schwank, who...
Schwank Urges Commonwealth to Stop ‘Balance Billing’
HARRISBURG, Oct. 1, 2015 – With many Pennsylvanians suffering “sticker shock” when they get a bill for medical procedures they believed their insurance company would cover, state Sen. Judy Schwank today urged the commonwealth to stop the practice of so-called “balance...
The Pennsylvania Report October 2015 :: District Office Services
The Pennsylvania Report October 2015 :: District Transportation Projects
Schwank’s ‘College Financial Aid Awareness Night’ to Offer Helpful Info
READING, Sept. 24, 2015 – Students, parents and others who have questions about paying for college will want to save Oct. 1 on their calendars so they can benefit from Sen. Judy Schwank’s annual “College Financial Aid Awareness Night.” The free event will run from 7...
54-Acre Arnold Farm Now Protected, Sen. Schwank Announces
HARRISBURG, Aug. 13, 2015 – A 54-acre tract in Tulpehocken Township, Berks County, is now under the commonwealth’s farmland preservation shield, state Sen. Judy Schwank said today. Lawrence and Donna Arnold received nearly $135,000 in conservation easements in...
Pennsylvania Report August 2015 :: Agriculture in PA
State Grant Opp for Businesses Working to Stop Pollution, Improve Energy Efficiency, Schwank Says
READING, July 29, 2015 – Businesses working to save electricity or protect the environment can now apply for a state grant for pollution prevention and energy conservation projects, Sen. Judy Schwank said today. The Department of Environmental Protection’s Small...
Next Phase of Reading Waste Water Treatment Facility Upgrade to Happen with Approval of $37M PENNVEST Loan, Sen. Schwank, Reps. Caltagirone, Rozzi Report
HARRISBURG, July 22, 2015 – The ongoing rejuvenation of Reading’s treatment facilities today counted the approval of a $37.2 million low-interest loan for the replacement of the Fritz Island solid waste treatment plant. Just as it approved an $84.6 million loan in...
Statewide Conservation Group Honors Sen. Schwank With ‘Legislator Leadership Award’
MONROEVILLE, July 8, 2015 – State Sen. Judy Schwank – who has worked to protect Berks County farmland, enhance open spaces throughout Pennsylvania, and safeguard natural resources – has been named a “legislative leader” by the organization that advocates for the...
Sen. Schwank: Republican Budget Fails Property Taxpayers in Berks County
HARRISBURG, June 30, 2015 – Ignoring Berks County residents’ call for relief from skyrocketing property tax bills, the Republican state legislature today steamrolled its $30.2 billion budget, absent the support of state Sen. Judy Schwank. Schwank said the General...
Senator Schwank Comments on Passage of the PA State Budget
Avian Influenza Not Yet in PA, But Sen. Schwank Says State Ready to Act
HARRISBURG, June 26, 2015 – Because the latest avian influenza outbreak has wiped out 50 million birds across the country and appears to be headed this way, Sen. Judy Schwank is working with state agriculture officials as they develop response and recovery plans should the disease strike in Pennsylvania.
More Berks Co. Farmland Preserved Today, Schwank Says
HARRISBURG, June 11, 2015 – Berks County’s farmland preservation movement expanded today when a state panel added another 280 acres to the commonwealth’s preservation program. Sen. Judy Schwank, who is a member of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Land Preservation Board,...